Friday, May 27, 2005

Geeks and Geezers

Geeks and Geezers, a very interesting work which tries to demystify the need of experience and maturity to be a leader by comparing leaders of two generations: below 35 and above 70 years. In my opinion the model of "crucibles", life changing personal experiences that shape leadership characteristics, is quite a good model. As the old saying says if it does not kill you, it will strengthen you. The "crucible" experience forces you to go through an adaptation process and makes you think and realign your values in life and can happen at any age. However I believe that experience is a very handy thing for a leader. Experience and knowledge gathered through that often engenders respect, something absolutely necessary for a leader. Unless you are a prodigy or a genius it becomes difficult to command respect at an early age, a major handicap for any leader. Also while it is possible to gain a lot of experience in a short period of time, often the quality of the experience is not the same in details and breadth. The concept of "neoteny", retaining characteristics of childhood in adults, is also crucial in explaining why some leaders can go on forever and never succumb to ennui.


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